845 miles. That's the driving distance back to our home in Florida from our recent vacation stay in Williamsburg, Virginia. I am glad to be home, if only for a couple of days. We anticipated the cold weather. We really didn't consider that the folks in Virginia really don't drive well in snow...and the area just doesn't have efficient snow removal. We experienced 2-3 inches of snow during the 1st couple of days of our visit. We later learned that there had been 600 wrecks that day due to the nasty weather!
When we have a driving destination in mind we generally plan on driving approximately 600 miles. That usually means that we depart from our hotel between 7 and 8 in the morning and arrive at our hotel stop at around 5 in the afternoon. I would prefer to make a few stops along the way and explore historic places and different landscapes, but that usually just doesn't work if we are to make the most of our destination. On this trip, we did 600 miles the first day which got us just outside of Jacksonville International Airport. We generally don't make reservations for these stops, but we do pay attention to holiday travel, big events in the areas that we are going so that we don't get stuck without a room! Early in our marriage with our kids we decided to return from Dallas to our home which then was in Ft. Lauderdale over the 4th of July weekend. We were getting tired and started looking for a hotel near Tallahassee. There were none to be found with any vacancies. We finally stopped at a rest area near Perry, Florida and slept in the car. It only takes one time like this to cure me!
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