Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Very Busy Photographing Car Shows, Reunions and More

I have been very busy lately...and that is a good thing...photographing Lynn's 50 Year High School Reunion in Ft. Lauderdale, a 25th Anniversary party and on Saturday, our Mercedes Benz Club's monthly social at the British Car Club Show in Safety Harbor.

Members of our group surround one of my favorite vintage cars...a Morgan.  These beautiful cars continue to be custom made at a small factory in England.  They are identified by the leather strap, prominent across the hood.

Though it might not have been one of the most reliable cars of the '60s the Jaguar XKE  certainly was one of the most beautiful. (I can say that since I owned a '60 Jag Mark IX saloon car which spent more time being serviced than driven.)  

All of these photos were taken with my Olympus OMD-EM5 micro 4/3 camera with the 17mm prime lens.