This is a photo of one of Kenya's famous Brothers...a famous cheetah family that prowls the Masai Mara. Lynn and I have been on four African safaris and we look forward to our next adventure to the Dark Continent.
Of course the photographic opportunities were the first reason that we decided to take an African safari. But, I will never forget the words of Sarah Taylor of the Africa Adventure Company who designed our first trip to Africa (South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana) in 2004. She said "There is something spiritual about an Africa wildlife safari that will cause you to return again and again." She was so prophetic. We always return to the States thinking about our next trip. And, not just for the wildlife, but for the spirit that is there...the people, the energy..Capetown!
Daily I dream and plan about our yet unscheduled trip to Tanzania to return to the Serengeti (The Tanzania side of the Masai Mara) and the Ngorongoro Crater.
Hopefully, soon.